Ilaria Salis nominated candidate in EU elections in bid for immunity

The 39-year-old anti-fascist activist Ilaria Salis has been held in prison in Hungary since her arrest last year.


The Greens and Left Alliance, in agreement with Roberto Salis, has decided to nominate his daughter Ilaria, an anti-fascist activist who was detained in Hungary, on its lists in the next European elections.

She was arrested in Budapest last year on suspicion of being involved in attacks against participants in Hungary’s Day of commemorations.

The festivities drum up scores of neo-Nazis who honour the failed escape attempt by Nazi forces and Hungarian soldiers out of Budapest during the Red Army’s siege of the city in 1945. 

 The Italian government called her appearance in court ‘humiliating’ as she was seen shackled and handcuffed. It has been speculated that should Salis win a seat in parliament, she would obtain parliamentary immunity and thus be released.

Her nomination was confirmed by Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli of the Greens and Left Alliance.

In a written communication, they said: “In these hours, the national management groups are discussing the modalities of this choice which aims to protect the rights and dignity of a European citizen, also from the inertia of the Italian authorities to obtain a rapid release from prison in in favour of house arrest denied with the latest decision by the Hungarian judges.”

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