Solutions When You Lose Your Confidence On The Tennis Court – And In Life!

One of the biggest weapons you can have on the tennis court – and in life – is … CONFIDENCE!

Confidence can be fleeting. One day you have it and feel it and sometimes you don’t and it’s hard to get back.

When you don’t have it, you can try to get it back and books can help you.

Here are some options for you to consider when you have lost your confidence – on the tennis court and just in general in life.

Everyone who plays tennis goes through some sort of negative self-talk. In the book “How To Permanently Erase Negative Self-Talk So You Can Be Extraordinary” by Emily Liu is for sale and download here:–uG0lC45tNVAfUhshx7NF6XTyVCIEEhOSXU5CsDktywXA.8Qd_WRvv19oPZwMsYiMErwQLJHrM3oisJ6ErITlhLE8&dib_tag=se&keywords=Emily+Liu&qid=1732639176&sprefix=emily+liu%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-5

Liu asks, “Are there areas in your life that you just can’t seem to get traction, get over, get happy, or get unstuck? That no amount of therapy, positive thinking, bodywork, books, or pharmaceutical “cures” can fix?” Erase Self-Doubt Now! teaches you how to access the real cause of your struggles—the negative messages imprinted on the subconscious since childhood—and heal the wounded parts of you that are holding onto the pain, misunderstandings, and gut-wrenching memories that prevent you from feeling good. It demonstrates the little-known, cutting-edge technique to get rid of these messages, overcome fears and self-doubt, and get unstuck and unleashed. If you’re tired of burying the pain with addictions or fed up with depression, anxiety, and disease, then it’s time to stop attacking yourself emotionally and get access to the wealth, health, relationships, and happiness you truly deserve.

Did you know that the same parts of a personality that contribute to insecurities, conflicts and mediocrity in leadership are the same parts that contribute to unfulfilling and challenging romantic experiences, devoid of joy and deep emotional intimacy? The foundation of great leadership and an amazing love life is the same—Self-leadership. Liu’s other book, CLIMAX: Why Great Leaders Need Love Affairs is a leadership fable of two mediocre leaders who come to a crossroads: either do the inner work to shed the masks and egos or become another statistical casualty by joining the two-thirds of leaders who fail. Learn the root causes of leadership failures that traditional leadership development paradigms and books do not address. The book is for sale and download here:

A special ebook and audio book that can give you a quick fix to your confidence woes, than download “Regard Your Confidence” by Bob Stockton here This book is a light-hearted take on rebuilding self-confidence after life throws you a curveball. From breakups to job losses, traumatic events, betrayal, health issues, being bullied to weight gain, financial setbacks to periods of self-doubt, this book is road map to get you back to your old confident self.So, if you’re in need of a boost of self-confidence, this book is a good tool for you. You will most importantly, feeling empowered to face whatever life throws your way with a newfound sense of strength and self-assurance.

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