MAS Financial Services gets ESG rating of ‘CareEdge-ESG 2’ with rating score of 61.4

MAS Financial Services has been assigned ESG rating of ‘CareEdge-ESG 2’ with an impressive rating score of 61.4 by CareEdge ESG Ratings (SEBI Registered ESG Rating Provider). Overall ESG score of 61.4 (out of 100) reflects the company’s strong positions among its peers and the superior level of disclosures, policies, and high impact performance.

The company has been one of the early adopters of ESG Rating amongst its peers and has voluntarily chosen to get its ESG practices & policies validated by an external rating agency. The rating assigned to MAS Financial Services (based on SEBI framework) reflects its strong ESG stewardship and demonstrates that its ESG policies & practices are one of the best amongst industry players.

MAS Financial Services is engaged in the business of providing Micro Enterprise loans (MEL), Small and Medium Enterprise loans (SME), Two Wheeler loans (TW), Commercial Vehicle loans (CV) and loans to NBFCs – to create the underlying assets of MEL, SME, TW and CV.

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